Kreator “Hate Über Alles”

Rustbelt Rock Reviews

By: Z.M. Delgado

Volume #23: Kreator “Hate Über Alles”

June 10, 2022

Nuclear Blast

Good evening Thrashers and welcome to another installment of the Rustbelt Rock Review. This week we are taking a listen to Kreator and their newest offering “Hate Über Alles.” I admit I am a little late on this one, as it has been out for over a month now. You will have to forgive my tardiness, as you know I have been quite busy with the Thrash Metal here at home. Now that I have time to do so, I would like to turn my attention to the long awaited “Hate Über Alles.”  This is Kreator’s first studio album since 2017’s “Gods of Violence” and as such, has been much anticipated. I for one have been anxious to get my hands on it, and I am glad I did. What I found when I cranked this record for the first for the first time was unquestionably savage. 

The album opens with “Sergio Corbucci is Dead,” a Spaghetti Western inspired instrumental in tribute of the late Italian director. Like the films it hearkens to, the theme calls up a forthcoming adventure… and subsequent collection delivers. The title track follows immediately slapping you in the face with a message: Kreator is back with a vengeance. The years since their last record were not spent relaxing and getting soft, a fact this track makes abundantly clear. The contrary is quite apparent. From its chant-able chorus proclaiming “Hate is the virus of this world,” to its shredding guitar solo, this song is a straight killer. 

On the second track Kreator attacks with the blasphemous banger “Killer of Jesus” and it’s impressive solo work. From here the album really begins to build steam. “Crush the Tyrants” arrives with its percussion driven, chugging rhythm. This song is slow and methodical. It pounds over you with cold mechanical precision. Proclaiming: “Us against you, for life,” Kreator calls out the uncaring leaders of the world; telling them that for our part, the Metal community will always stand in opposition to tyranny. “Strongest of the Strong” is driving and melodic. The vocals are incendiary, passionate and the chorus is just catchy as hell. This is one of my favorite songs on an album that I am hard pressed to choose a top pick. “Become Immortal” carries the energy onward with another great opening riff and some nostalgic lyricism. The chorus here is huge, and would undoubtedly go down amazing live. 

Next up is another that is in competition for my top spot, “Conquer and Destroy.” The big, bad choruses keep coming on this record, and this song may have the best of them all.  The rapid fire percussion in the verses, the slowed down tempo in the chorus and the intensity of the transition between the two is really something special. Next is something new for Kreator, their first collaboration with a female vocalist. “Midnight Sun” features German singer Sofia Portanet. The vocals she adds are melodic and dark, offsetting the rapid guitar attack of the verse. While it is strange to hear on a Kreator record, this song is a nice change of pace and I find it works for the album. 

The band immediately kicks it back into high gear with “Demonic Future.” This track contains an exceptionally fast drum and guitar attack and yet another chorus worthy of a crowd chant. “Pride Comes Before the Fall” is the third part of my three way tie for favorite song on the album. Opening with a very creepy chime melody, it then breaks into a heavy riff followed by thundering drums. The song is as driving as any song in the collection with some riffs that will melt the face right off your skull. 

It feels like it should be the end of the record, though that is not the case though. Kreator treats us to one darker menacing journey before departing. The album closes on the apocalyptic vision that is “Dying Planet.” This song begins with a haunting riff and then breaks into a pounding and occasionally chaotic composition. The song feels like devastation occurring in real time. It’s as if Kreator received a vision of the apocalypse and subsequently translated it into a musical composition. It sounds like meteors crashing, tidal waves rolling across the land, and cities rising in flame. In short, shreds!

And that is more or less my summation of this entire album: It shreds! Kreator has returned after a long break and has done so in top form. Any and all fans of true Thrash Metal from the 1980’s, played the way it was meant to be played, should check out this album ASAP. It is hard and fast; angry and melodic. It has furious lyrics and scream-able choruses. It is good old fashioned Thrash Metal, nothing more and nothing less; and it is awesome. 15 albums into a 40 year career and Kreator has proven that the genre they helped spawn is still alive and well! 

Until next time, Rock on, Rustbelt!

-Z.M. Delgado

Rustbelt Rock Review


(Kreator - “Hate Über  Alles:” Kreator has shown they have nothing left to prove with their newest installment and have solidified their place in the pantheon of the Gods of Thrash! Fist pumping, throat screamed raw, Horns Way Up for Kreator! Definitely recommend!)


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